Male Breast Correction - Gynecomastia

Breast Reduction in Man – Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the male breasts to resemble a female breast. This occurs in different degrees. It results in low self-esteem and psychologic problems.

There are many methods of reduction and one of them is chosen according to the individual patient. The main problem is usually fatty enlargement and sagging of the breasts. In this situation, liposuction is performed through small incisions. If tissue excision is necessary we make the excisions through these holes. Skin excision is also required in patients with sagging breast skin that will not shrink after tissue excision. If skin excision is planned, the smallest and least visible incision types like a periareolar incision are preferred.

The scars will fade in time. The visibility and size of the scars after the surgery depend on the size of the breasts, the method of surgery used and the scar tendency of the patients. The surgery is done under general anaesthesia and takes approximately 1-2 hours. We discharge the patient on the same day. The patient may return to work within 2 days. The patient is put on a corset-bra for 4 weeks.

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